'Start-ups' focused on the building sector are making headway with funds that seek to transform a sector that requires greater digitisation.
Start-ups are the spearhead. They are the most disruptive innovation," says Paco Gómez, one of the founders of The Building Squad Ventures, a fund focused on contech (a contraction of construction technology, which refers to technology firms that develop tools in all dimensions of the construction process).
Building houses, bridges and roads will no longer be done the old-fashioned way. What will reign in the world of concrete will be computers, robots, the internet of things, 3D printing and all those ideas that serve to enrich one of the most important sectors of the economy. Construction has started to approach all possible digital tools to give a strong boost to the execution time of a work but also to make more efficient use of materials, resources, and make up for a deficit of specialised personnel. In this transformation, start-ups are the most active in the field.
To continue reading the article, https://elpais.com/extra/infraestructuras/2023-02-12/infraestructuras-a-golpe-de-clic.html